

Det åpner seg slike perspektiver at man blir svimmel, bare på en dag. Frank Gaffney tjente i Reagan-administrasjonen. Han kjenner systemet innenfra. Mange har spurt seg hva som er hensikten med Biden-administrasjonens politikk, som trosser alt som tidligere har vært gjort i Washington. Et lite eksempel: Den nye infrastrukturpakken vil innføre kilometeravgift på alle biler. Den vanlige mann vil blø, mens de rike ikke vil merke noe.

No, the theory that best fits the facts is that we are instead being subjected to a deliberate wrecking operation. Every institution, every policy, every decision appears to be calculated to do the maximum damage to our economy, our sovereignty and our freedoms.

On a path to war with the US.

Erklærte i mai 2019 at de skulle klare seg uten Amerika.

Ian Bremmer: Den største geopolitiske hendelsen i dette århundre var Kinas erklæring i mai 2019 om å forlate samarbeidet med USA og klare seg på egen hånd. -Vi må overta og beseire USA innen fem år.

Det kan synes som om Biden-administrasjonen har påtatt seg å være bøddel for Kina:

Consider the following illustrative examples of the sort of wrecking operations the Biden team is undertaking:

  • Destroying the southern border in the transparent interest of changing the nation’s demographics so as to secure an electorate that will give the Democrats a permanent majority of voters. As Steve Bannon has observed, the numbers of illegal immigrants entering each month – most of whom are military-age single males – are approaching the size of the army General George Patton used to invade Nazi Germany in World War II. Make no mistake, the Biden wrecking crew has invited an invasion of our America.
  • Devaluing the dollar, inviting the end of its status as the world’s reserve currency and a financial reckoning that will be devastating for our economy, budget and people.
  • Dividing Americans with so-called “anti-racist” indoctrination that actually promotes black supremacism – an application of classic Marxist class warfare strategies aimed at fracturing, destabilizing and ultimately subduing targeted populations.
  • Denying future free and fair elections by enshrining in federal statutes the sort of fraud-prone electoral techniques that have embroiled swing states across the country in controversy, recriminations and audits (including an increasing number of forensic ones).
  • Defunding the police, ostensibly as a catalyst to reform but actually for the purpose of replacing capable law enforcement officers with “woke” ones. The costs of such a “fundamental transformation” – especially to poor, urban communities – are becoming more apparent and egregious by the day.
  • Demoralizing the military with racist training and purges that destroy good order and discipline and unit cohesion, which are vital to deterrence of aggression – and, if need be, to defending us against it.
  • Dismantling foreign policies that were working, including notably, real progress made by the Trump administration in forging bilateral agreements that, until undermined by the Biden team in favor of its appeasement of Iran, enhanced Israel’s security and that of much of the rest of the region.
  • Deep-sixing the rule of law by treating criminals more generously than victims and Democrats differently, and usually far better, than Republicans.
  • Discrediting the science and public health institutions related to the Chinese Communist Party virus by a litany of seemingly ever-changing and increasingly incoherent, or at least inconsistent, guidelines.
  • Derailing Trump’s regulatory reform agenda and saddling the American people, their lives and economy once again with an array of burdensome and costly regulations. 
  • Deconstructing our history, defaming our country and debasing our values by, among other things, acceding to the miseducation of our kids, the tearing down of our statues, the attacks on our courthouses and the shuttering of our houses of worship. These lines of attack are greatly intensified in terms of their harm to our self-confidence and national pride by the inequitable suspending of constitutional freedoms in the name of countering the CCP virus.
  • Depriving the nation of its hard-won energy security with Biden’s version of the lunatic Green New Deal, soaring gas prices and renewed dependency in world markets on unreliable sources like Middle Eastern suppliers and Russia.


It’s Not A Presidency, It’s A Wrecking Operation

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