Giotto di Bondone (1266–1337).
Freske, 200 x 185 cm, Scrovegni-kapellet, Padova.
I Jacobs protoevangelium, som anslagsvis er datert til 140-170 leser vi at da Joachim ble nektet adgang til Templet, dro han ut til buskapen som beitet utenfor Jerusalem. Men i en drøm ble han varslet om at Anna var gravid, og fortet seg tilbake. I denne engelske oversettelsen sies det:
Then, Joachim came with his flocks. Anna was standing at the gate. When she saw Joachim coming with his flocks, Anna ran and wrapped herself around his neck, saying, Now I know that the Lord God has blessed me greatly. See, the widow is no longer a widow and the childless woman has conceived in her womb. And Joachim rested for the first day he was home.
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