Rapparen Tom MacDonald har gjort det igen. Bara timmar efter attentatet där presidentkandidat Donald Trump hade änglavakt och undkom mordförsöket med ett skadat högeröra, publicerade den konservative rapparen ”You Missed” på sin YouTube-kanal.
Kanadensiske MacDonald har blivit känd för sina politiska texter som tar ställning mot bland anat woke, identitetspolitik och demoniseringen av vita män. År 2020 släppte MacDonald singeln ”Coronavirus” om covid-pandemin och under 2021 lyckades tre av hans singlar ta sig in på Billbordlistorna: ”Fake Woke”, ”Snowflakes” och ”Brainwashed”.
I januari i år samarbetade MacDonald med den amerikanske författaren, kolumnisten och konservative politiske kommentatorn Ben Shapiro och släppte singeln ”Facts” som du kan se via denna länk.
I det senaste alstret, som alltså lanserades bara timmar efter attentatet mot Donald Trump, rappar MacDonald om hur USA:s liberala vänster provocerats så mycket av Trump att de nu försökt mörda honom eftersom de misslyckades med att låsa in honom. MacDonald rappar bland annat:
”I used to to think that the woke were misguided but now I can see that they’re evil
Twitter is angry that Trump isn’t dead, you know got shot? Innocent people””I tried to give y’all a chance, like maybe the left isn’t nuts, I was wrong
Y’all are exactly as crazy as every conservative person I know said you were all along”
Tre timmar efter det att ”You Missed” publicerades på YouTube har den redan en halv miljon visningar och nära 12 000 kommentarer där den stora majoriteten hyllar rapparen och ger sitt stöd till Trump.
”You Missed” LYRICS
They burnin the country down with their progressiveness
It started with changing what gender is
Then graduated to you’re racist if you think that your life matters and your skin don’t have melanin
They don’t want peace they want skeletons
They want men to pretend that their feminine
They don’t want an election, they got so offended by freedom that they just tried killin the presidentI used to to think that the woke were misguided but now I can see that they’re evil
Twitter is angry that Trump isn’t dead, you know got shot? Innocent people
Thought y’all were tolerant? Thought we were equals? I thought you valued how everyone feels?
Then why are ya’ll celebrating an attempted assassination like you’re part of antifa?Thank God the left can’t aim
Thank God the right don’t riot
Welcome to the home of the brave
Freedom ain’t afraid of violenceYou wish he was dying
B*tch you missed
Thank God the left can’t aim
Why can’t we just shoot straight?
Y’all are goin insane
B*tch you missed
Theres no one else you can blame
Tried to lock him up in a cage
Now you tryna kill what you hateVERSE 2
Told us trust the science but it never made sense to me
Why would we all put our trust in the enemy?
Millions of people are hooked on amphetamines, they’re making billions on untested remedies
Borders are open to people with felonies, Biden can’t stop ‘em he don’t have the energy
Y’all wanna kill the man trying to fight for a better tomorrow by making him Kennedy?I tried to give y’all a chance, like maybe the left isn’t nuts, I was wrong
Y’all are exactly as crazy as every conservative person I know said you were all along
Wanna protest? Go hard
Wanna burn flags? Go off
But y’all are so triggered that you’re pulling triggers at presidents, yall the terrorists when you’re armedThank God the left can’t aim
Thank God the right don’t riot
Welcome to the home of the brave
Freedom ain’t afraid of violenceYou wish he was dying
B*tch you missed
Thank God the left can’t aim
Why can’t we just shoot straight?
Y’all are goin insane
B*tch you missed
Theres no one else you can blame
Tried to lock him up in a cage
Now you tryna kill what you hate