
Kategori: Gästskribent

China or the USA?

At a recent meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Council of Foreign Ministers, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was a special invitee. It was the first time that a Chinese government official had ever been invited to be present at an OIC meeting.

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Kina tar över Solomonöarna – och Stilla havet

Det kommunistiska Kina rör sig över Stilla havet från ögrupp till ögrupp, och snart kommer Folkets befrielsearmé inom räckhåll för Hawaii. Kinas nya femåriga avtal med Solomonöarna, som kan förnyas automatiskt, kommer att låta Beijing använda deras öar som militärbas och göra i princip allt som den kinesiska armén vill.

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Éric Zemmour: France’s Last Chance for Survival?

ccording to a poll published in September 2020, 74% of French Muslims under the age of 25 said the laws of Islam were more important than the laws of the French Republic. Another poll published two months later showed that 57% of French Muslims under the age of 25 wanted to live under Islamic sharia law.

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Letter from Prisoner in Solitary Confinement! DC Gitmo Violating International Codes on Torture!

Jonathan Mellis, a detainee from January 6th, wrote us from solitary confinement last week.

Mellis has been detained without bond since his arrest in February. In May, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan denied his request to be released from custody for a week so he could attend his father’s funeral.

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A population change is taking place…. If the change continues at the present rate, France could be a predominantly Muslim country around 2050.

Polls show that the French population is extremely pessimistic about the future of France, and extremely dissatisfied with the current political parties. When French regional elections were held in June, they saw an unprecedented abstention ratefor France of 66.7%.

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Jerusalem Consulate: A Nail in the Coffin of Peace

Only a few months ago, US President Joe Biden betrayed a US ally by withdrawing forces from Afghanistan, bringing down the government in Kabul and consigning the country to the bitter depredations of Taliban terrorists. Now he is winding up to betray another, much closer ally — Israel.

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France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization

The level of Islamization exceeds a point beyond which it is virtually impossible to stop the process of social and cultural disintegration. France, according to the Algerian writer Boualem Sansal, is extremely close to that point

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Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal Unleashes a Lethal Terrorist Cocktail

Twenty five year-old Ali Harbi Ali has been arrested on suspicion of the murder last week of British Member of Parliament Sir David Amess in a church in Essex. Ali is a member of a well-to-do Somali family who were given refuge in Britain from the war-torn East African country in the 1990s. British authorities had previously been alerted to his radicalisation and he was referred to the UK’s ”Prevent” anti-terrorist scheme.

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”Back to Pre-9/11. But It’s Worse”

”We’re going back to pre-9/11 right now,” Representative Michael McCaul, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee said on September 12, ”but it’s worse, it’s worse because now they’re [the Taliban] fully armed with our weapons, our helicopters and pallets of our cash”.

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Why Arabs Are Annoyed With the Europeans

The European Parliament has enraged many Arabs by calling for a boycott of Expo 2020 Dubai, taking place in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) between October 2021 and March 2022. The timing of the resolution is problematic. It implies that the European Parliament is seeking to punish the UAE for signing a peace treaty with Israel

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