
Kategori: Gästskribent

Biden Is Determined to Create Jobs… in China

Biden will, in his American Jobs Plan as it’s formally called, create millions of good-paying jobs. Many of those jobs, however, will not be in America,. For three principal reasons, his jobs plan will create full employment in China.

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Danmark eller EU. Det store  bedrag  

De seneste tredive år har  konventionerne ædt sig ind  i  de nationale parlamenter  rundt  på kontinentet,  og som  gøgeunger skubbet de enkelte landes egen mulighed for demokrati og autonomi ud af reden.

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A Storm Over the American Republic

When, in 2020, the summer riots became destructive and Trump talked about using the military to restore order and protect property and lives, his political opponents compared him to Hitler and Goebbels, and indignantly defended the rioters as essentially ”peaceful protesters”.

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Biden: It’s Okay to Finance China’s Military

Every dollar that goes into a Chinese enterprise, whether state or private, enriches a regime that has declared a ”people’s war” on the United States. Therefore, every company should be off-limits to investment from Americans.

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Germany: Covid-19 Triggers New Wave of Anti-Semitism

The number of anti-Semitic hate crimes in Germany surged to a two-decade high in 2020, according to new statistics released by the German government. Anti-Semitism in Germany has been steadily growing in recent years, fueled in part by far-left anti-Israel activists and by mass migration from the Muslim world.

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Jack ’Uncle Horse’ Ma Is a Bad Bet

Ma Yun, until recently China’s richest individual, is in detention in a Chinese cell, is in hiding in China, is ”embracing supervision” from the ruling Communist Party, or is in Singapore after having evaded Chinese authorities. One observer even argues Ma’s disappearance, the object of intense speculation in China and elsewhere, is nothing more than a ruse.

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Germany’s ”Shameful” Two Years on the UN Security Council

The record shows that during its stint on the UN Security Council, Germany voted for dozens of resolutions — many of which smack of anti-Semitism — that singled out Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East.

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’We Will Squash Them’: The Persecution of Christians, November 2020

”Islamic militants turned a village soccer field in northern Mozambique into an execution ground when they beheaded more than 50 people during three days of savage violence between Friday, November 6, and Sunday, November 8…. ”

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Europas slappa säkerhet underlättar för islamistiska terrorister

I alla tre exempel – attackerna i Paris, Nice och Wien – har det framkommit att de som bär ansvaret för attackerna hade kopplingar till globala jihadistiska nätverk som inte upptäcktes av europeiska säkerhetstjänstemän.

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Drug Trafficking: The Dirtiest Little Secret

Dirty cops are killing Americans, directly and indirectly. In a border community like El Paso, the Mexican cartels have an insidious, silent and powerful control that few people wish to acknowledge or accept

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